The Militant Libertarian

I'm pissed off and I'm a libertarian. What else you wanna know?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Harring Report

The Harring Report: America's Young Man's Meat Grinder
by Brian Harring, Domestic Intelligence Reporter

Note: Viewers of TBR News who would like a copy of the original Department of Defense Supplemental Casualty lists from 2003 to mid-2005, showing facsimiles of the actual casualties, as opposed to the heavily redacted official listings, may write to Mr. Harring at for a full copy of the original documents. This list is free of charge. As of April 18, 2007, Mr. Harring has sent out 25, 101 lists

Once it became evident that what had been expected to be a short, successful military campaign against Saddam Hussein had turned into a long drawn out and escalating guerilla war, the Department of Defense, acting on orders from the White House, began to reduce the daily public casualty list. Families and survivors of the dead were duly notified and the bodies were shipped back to the States for private burial but the numbers of the dead, and the wounded, were deliberately kept as low as possible for political reasons. For internal use only, a realistic, and accurate, monthly report was issued for those concerned but it was not made public. When this private report was located by outside sources and sent around the Internet, the site was immediately shut down.

This original listing showed that as of mid-2005, the death count in both Iraq and Afghanistan topped 10,000 with 20,000 seriously wounded. By 2007, the death toll has risen to over 15,000 (and rising daily) with officially reported serious woundings (required out of theater hospitalization) at 50,508 as per a report published in the New York Times of January 30, 2007.

Also not discussed are the over 10,000 desertions (from March, 2003 to date)

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Same Stink, Different Pile

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