The Militant Libertarian

I'm pissed off and I'm a libertarian. What else you wanna know?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pot. Kettle. Black. Racist


As the media told it, not voting Obama was tantamount to racism. By the same (twisted) logic, not voting for McCain ought to have been considered reverse racism. By this calculus, black and Hispanic racism far exceeded Anglo-American alleged racism. Fifty five percent of Anglo-Americans voted McCain, while 95 percent of African-Americans and 67 percent of Latinos voted Obama!

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Amazingly, They Let This Air on National TV

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Great Documentary on Ruby Ridge

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Hoping For Bailouts and Change

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AIG Parties On


Apparently, the American taxpayers didn’t have their faces rubbed in the sleazy spending sprees of AIG enough the first time around. After the first installment of 85 billion in bailout funds was promised to this too-corrupt-to-fail corporate giant, we saw them spend upwards of 400,000 dollars on a luxury retreat while the top executives basked in the works of facials and golf.

Lawmakers were so streamed that they allowed for another installment of taxpayer dollars, as an additional 150 billion dollar ‘package’ was implemented as part of the save AIG scheme. Now, caught again are the movers and shakers of AIG hard at work retreating and dining at another spa junket.

The power and control over our Nation’s money supply combined with the smug insistence by our lawmakers and administration that we trust them to handle the financial mess they have created is a slap in the face to all of us. Oh, how I wish change was truly coming to Washington.

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Tribute To William Cooper

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

President-Elect Obama’s Insincere Commitment on the Environment

During the campaign, President-Elect Obama promised voters that if elected, he would get right to work on getting government to “fix” the environment. You know, much in the same way that the government has “fixed” education, retirement, poverty, drug use, housing, etcetera. However, as they say, the devil is in the details.

In 1998, when President-Elect Obama was in the Illinois Senate, he voted ‘aye’ for a bill condemning “The Kyoto Treaty”, explaining in a campaign statement, [Kyoto] did not have “meaningful and achievable emissions targets.” Additionally, President-Elect Obama routinely took electric utility and coal industry money during the campaign totaling $539,597. Previously, during his run for United States Senate in 2004, he was flanked by Illinois coal workers proclaiming “there’s always going to be a role for coal”. Even as recently as the West Virginia Primary, Illinois Representative Dan Reitz, original sponsor of the Illinois Anti-Kyoto bill stated:

“He [Obama] understands how important coal is to the state of Illinois and to the Midwest,”

However after receiving the Democrat party nomination, President-Elect Obama stated in his election manifesto that he would set a goal of reducing US emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 and by 80 percent by 2050, using a cap-and-trade system scheme and a 10-year program worth $150 billion Dollars in renewable energy research and development.

This scheme when implemented, sets a ceiling on the total amount of gases allowed to escape into the atmosphere via assigned industry credits. If the industry goes over their allotment they are forced to purchase “credits” from a direct or indirect competitor which has not gone over their allotment. The end result, higher energy costs for Americans as the companies pass these “credit purchase” costs down onto the consumer. One then wonders exactly how he plans to “fix” the economy, when by proxy the government will help to increase American’s energy bills, as if the rising cost of groceries and durable goods was not enough, now we can look forward to Uncle Sam raising our energy bills.

Let us also not forget that once this “scheme” is in place, there will be an influx of speculators into the market, where just like with oil prices, the price of energy “credits” will swing wildly further destabilizing an already volitile market.

However, the saddest part of all this hot air (CO2) being expelled from King Obama is the fact that while he is so concerned with pointing the finger at “we the people”, we have yet to hear him indicate his plans for tackling the biggest polluter of all. Yes fellow readers, the same group of scoundrels put in charge of “protecting the environment”, the United States Government. From the gallons of jet and rocket fuel dumped into the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by NASA, the Air Force and Navy, to the radioactive waste shipped cross country, the American government continues to escape the line of sight, while they target us, for “environmentally conscious behavior modification”.

Finally, President-Elect Obama will send transition team members to the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit, December 1st through 12th in Poznan, Poland. While we will likely glean some insight into King Obama’s policies; whether he wishes to completely hand over American environmental sovereignty will have to wait until just before the Copenhagen talks begin in 2009. It is my opinion that he will indeed seek to erode American sovereignty further via either an expanded Kyoto type treaty or global version of the “North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation”. Neither of which will help protect the environment and instead will only line the pockets of professional environmentalist robber barons.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obamabots Face Future

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are
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Top 100 Libertarian Blogs

I received an email yesterday with a link to a listing of the top 100 libertarian blogs, of which this is one. I'm pretty happy to know that someone actually reads this thing. :)

Here's the whole list, several on it are good reads:

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National Bullet Day - A New Holiday Is Born

It's time to send a clear message to the scum politicos in BrainWashington, D.C.

November 4th election day is No longer National Ballot day. I join with the Militant Libertarian who created National Buy-a-Gun Day in the declaration of a new holiday. November 4th is now also National Bullet Day.

Don't cast a ballot--cast a bullet! At November 4th is now the holiday to cast your bullet in the elections.

With the media ignoring nationwide evidence of election fraud in the scummy presidential rigged election, I remind America there is still a tried-and-true voting machine that can't be hacked--the lovable high-powered rifle!

While others are out playing the political scam game by casting a ballot in a phony election for phony reps and corporate puppet presidents, there is a new way to vote: cast a bullet by purchasing guns and ammo every year on November 4th. Send a message to the traitors in the District of Criminals that we're done with their games.

Every November 4th, to send a constructive message to all the corrupt politicians that they can rig elections, pass draconian, unconstitutional laws, and tread on the constitution, but, the american people are ready to clean house. We're buying our own voting machines--rifles, bullets, scopes, and trillion-dollar grins. A good rifle is the most efficient voting machine ever devised...far superior to any hacked computerized crap machine made by Dibold & co.

Send a message to congress that you are not going to take it anymore. It is clear corrupt, traitor politicians intend to gradually turn America into a Marxist pinko-commie gulag. But we can cast our "bullet ballot" and make it clear to congress critters that the people are prepared to defend America from tyranny. If every freedom-loving American would buy guns and ammunition every November 4th, then head out to the nation's target ranges to practice and sight in their new weapons, perhaps then congress would get a clue that their job is to protect freedom.

Here's how the festivities of National Bullet Day would flow:

1. Pass the fraudulent polling locations where clueless Americans continue to vote in rigged elections.
2. Go to your local gun shop and purchase new weapons and ammunition.
3. Head to your local target range with a group of fellow bullet-casters.
4. Pick up all the empty shell casings at the target range.
5. Swing back by the polling locations and hand out little ziplock baggies with empty shell casings (no live ammo!) and copies of this article. Be sure to let any reporters on site know that while others were wasting their time casting ballots, you and your friends were out casting bullets.
6. Remind your fellow Americans that politicians want gun control so it is less dangerous for them to enact tyrannical people control--and guns are the voting machine to correct the situation.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

iReport: How to Explain the Financial Crisis

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Pom-Poms and Prisons: The Powerful Statism of Disney’s High School Musical

by Scott Meyer

From both the left and the right, you can always count on some level of support for television and movie censorship. Both groups seek to protect their collectivist interest and pet opinions through the use of government enforced broadcasting laws. Whether it is the latest school shooting or gruesome rural murder, TV is often blamed. But we rarely hear of any group protesting the even more destructive programming of glorifying our statist Prussian education. Even our churches and libertarian communities are usually silent on the issue. From Happy Days to Saved By The Bell, Hollywood has long been the public relations wing of our federalized educational system. Today's juggernaut of public school idolatry is the Disney's High School Musical series. There is no more pro-state entertainment program as deft and dangerous as the Disney High School Musical franchise. Indeed, it promotes more immoral attitudes and beliefs than any sexy slasher film that I can think of.

The High School Musical franchise is the most wildly popular series of made for television movies in the history of the medium. The theatrical release (High School Musical 3: Senior Year) is currently one of the top movies in the country, after breaking all Hollywood opening night records for G-rated movie release. HSM has won numerous awards including an Emmy, Billboard Award, Teen Choice Award and the Television Critics Association Award. From the program itself to the clothing, websites and videogames that have followed it… High School Musical is a bona fide American cultural phenomenon. This is a series of films seemingly universally accepted by the viewing public. It tells the masses exactly what they want to hear: that the government is doing an excellent job of educating our kids, and is also having tons of fun doing it.

The HSM franchise is a sleeper film, in the sense that it appears oh so wholesome on its face. What are the purported "virtues" of High School Musical? There is no cursing. There is no sex. There is no violence. It is a happy-go-lucky musical in the spirit of the classic Hollywood genre. It is Disney. It features racial diversity including interracial relationships. The songs are uplifting. It supposedly has a good "lesson" about what really matters in life. But the fact that the films are so fun and accessible only masks their aggressive agenda. Their goal is to indoctrinate viewers into believing that public schools are also full of such virtues, or at least could be if we'd keep raising federal funding and give our best efforts to improve them.

Although cursing is absent, mindless teenage jabber ("Like, totally, for sure!") is rampant throughout the films. Although there is diversity, it is only racially so. There is little diversity of age, for example, and the adults in the film are quickly stereotyped. Parents are overbearing, teachers are clueless (well, they might actually have got that one right...).

There is one loud and clear message resonating from the High School Musical films: One can live no better than when caged up in a public school. And who wouldn't want to be here? Public school is a blast! It's where the cool kids are! It is where good-looking students have fun! The sports contests, the romantic butterflies, racial harmony, the healthy drama... it's all here. Anyone who has ever been to a high school knows that this is just nonsensical puffery. However, it is the younger children, sitting wide-eyed in front of the TV set, thirsting to one day get to high school and show that school spirit. It elevates public school as not just a place to learn, but a place to become "socialized." Like a cult programming system, HSM will show your kids how great our public schools will be, if we'd only follow orders. Then, like Troy, our biggest problem will be whether we can find the time to sing in the play and score the winning point in the basketball game. As long as you are a sheep and sacrifice yourself to the greater good of the state institution, you are a star (as summed up in the triumphant theme song to the show "We are all in this together").

As a former teacher in the public school system, I can tell you that these impressionable kids are not getting an accurate portrayal. Though the rah-rah hysteria is driven down their throats on a day-to-day basis (and shifted into overdrive during football season), most if not all students do not like going to school. They do not find it fun; they find it a drag. They resent being woken up before sunrise, being bussed to an eight hour internment camp, being force-fed information from dishonest textbooks, marching in lock step from class to class at the sound of a bell, being subject to searches of their person and lockers against their will... it is probably why so many of them do not fear going to prison; they have been there, done that. I don't need to tell you that the backlash to this sort of environment includes daily ritualized destructive activities such as fights, prostitution, sexual exploitation, bullying, abuse and other traumatizing behaviors that occur in state-run schools just as they do in state-run prisons.

Where are the independent and creative minds that populate Hollywood? Why in the world would programming like this get absolutely no criticism anywhere on any level? It is because it perfectly places state education at the center of our children's lives. It further elevates the dominion of the state. How could anyone homeschool their kids when the students in HSM are having such a fun, healthy and happy time? How can any parent elect to pay that pricey private school tuition when the students in HSM are getting all that they need and then some?

Though catchy and engaging, HSM packs the punch of the WWII propaganda films. Do yourself and your family a favor and skip out on this statist school system pep rally.

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Arming Yourself for the Future

by Greg Perry

I was sad to see that, the best place on earth in my humble opinion to get ammo for the past several years, increased its prices 25% basically overnight Tuesday. AmmoMan is not alone as the news today was filled with stories about gun stores across the country running out of weapons and ammunition. The reason is obvious.

What was about $200 per case of 1,000 rounds Monday is now $249. I only checked the 7.62 stock but my friends tell me the higher prices are uniform elsewhere on all ammunition. I looked up the prices on some small pistol reloading primers I am selling on right now and I was shocked to see that many mail-order companies are currently "Out of Stock" on them.

I woke up Wednesday morning without any more of a worry than I had when I awoke Tuesday morning. Was the election a death-knell for America? Well yes in many ways it was death for many things due to changes that will surely come, but as Becky Akers said so well, the sun still came up. Some eyes will be opened. Things will be worse than some predict and better than others predict.

A price will be paid by all of us.

I just wish it wasn’t the price of ammunition.

Don’t Panic!

Arthur Dent did not heed those words as often as he should have but if you want to be a good steward of your family’s resources as I want to be, then Don’t Panic.

No matter bad it will or will not get, the problems will not come for us in any immediate way. Certainly not so much so that we should accept a 25% hit on ammo.

The price increase may be greater as the next few days roll on. Here was the message atop the website today:


If you live in a relatively free state that allows gun shows – and if you don’t, then why don’t you? – you should attend any and all shows the next few weeks to look for better prices on ammunition if you’re of the mindset that you should stock up now while you still can legally.

What Changed?

Absolutely nothing has changed for the immediate time frame.

This is what is happening all across the country: ammo sales are skyrocketing. Just as Clinton's election was healthy for the gun industry, Barry’s election will be even healthier given the death and pestilence many see him bringing to America. Right now, weapon distributors are having a great Christmas. Ammo outlets are right now trying to restock with massive supplies of ammunition.

Their current big initial orders will die down once the initial shock for all of those blind Americans who actually thought Barry would not win is past.

My conclusion is this: ammo dealers will soon have massive stockpiles they cannot keep selling in the quantities these are selling this week. Prices will be back to $200 per thousand (for 7.62x39) or whatever you were accustomed to last week for your sought-after caliber very soon.

What Do You Do?

If I am wrong, then prices will go up. Your risk should not depend on what I say but how you perceive the situation.

Although I am focused on ammo right now, many of you are focused on weapons. As ammo goes, so goes the weapons that shoot ammo. I'm going to wait it out some before adding to my ammunition supply. I think prices will soften and soften quickly.

Prices will surely go back up again when Barry is sworn in but the rise will probably not be as dramatic as this week’s rise and prices will probably go back down quickly to more normal levels.

I am not a prophet! Still, as I’m telling you here I predict prices will go back down… for a while. Then they will go up for good until some unforeseeable change.

Will things get so bad that prices go through roof after he is sworn in? Of course. Will the Democrat Communists in the Senate put a 4,000% tax on ammo sales? You know the answer to that as well as I do; they sure want to.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon you to buy what you think you will need for the coming reckoning. But I suggest you do not rush into the current frenzy to pay today's prices. I believe the market will pressure these prices down before prices finally go back up again perhaps forever.

But How Much Ammo Do I Need Anyway?

You need exactly one case more than you currently have.

That is always the answer for everybody in all times no matter what your current supply is by the way.

Good Days Ahead - Perhaps 30 to 60 of them Only Though, And Not All At Once...

I think we will see windows of good price opportunity when ammo suppliers see this current rush dwindle and they see their re-orders come in by the truckloads. If you worry about today’s ammo prices, stay on top of ammo web sites daily to catch the deals when they have to unload this extra supply. My conclusion of lower prices ahead is based on the laws of supply-and-demand, which are almost as reliable as the law of gravity. This is why I believe these current high prices are unsustainable.

I am open to correction if you see this situation differently.

If you think there is no turning back and that we need to buy ammo now no matter what the price I’m open to hearing what you have to say. But we are seeing worldwide commodity prices drop dramatically as the world economies are destroyed one by one by bail-out programs wrought by the Democrat Communists and Republican Communists (basically all but about one in Congress today), and their equivalents around the world.

I would love to hear if you think prices are the best today they will get in many years ahead and that they will never get better in the foreseeable future. But please give your reasonings; I have it on Good authority that iron sharpens iron.

In the meantime I’m looking for a good deal on 7.62x39 if you know of any. All I need is one more case…

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Monday, November 10, 2008

New Footage of Bldg 7 on 9/11 Sheds New Light

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This is Your Life

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It's the Crowd That Matters

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Dying For Free Elections

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Gore’s Sustainable Fascism

by William L. Anderson

The voters have spoken, and so has Al Gore. It seems that the United States has no choice but to outlaw the burning of all coal and pretty much lay a chain saw to most of the energy industries and embrace something akin to the Great Leap Forward. In calling for "sustainable capitalism," Gore and his business partner David Blood write in the Wall Street Journal:

At this moment, we are faced with the convergence of three interrelated crises: economic recession, energy insecurity and the overarching climate crisis. Solving any one of these challenges requires addressing all three.

For example, by challenging America to generate 100% carbon-free electricity within 10 years – with the building of a 21st century Unified National Smart Grid, and the electrification of our automobile fleet – we can encourage investment in our economy, secure domestic energy supplies, and create millions of jobs across the country.

We also need to internalize externalities – starting with a price on carbon. The longer we delay the internalization of this obviously material cost, the greater risk the economy faces from investing in high carbon content, "sub-prime" assets. Such investments ignore the reality of the climate crisis and its consequences for business. And as Jonathan Lash, president of the World Resources Institute recently said: "Nature does not do bailouts."

Yes, you saw it first on the pages of the Journal: more than a decade after "re-inventing government," Gore now turns to the task of "re-inventing capitalism," and since he has won the Nobel Peace Prize, that is proof that he is up to the job. He might even be able to hire Paul Krugman, although he might be busy, since the new Obama government might want to hire him away from Princeton.

In his "re-invention" of capitalism, Gore reaches back to the socialistic arguments made years ago by Barry Commoner, who claimed that capitalism had not collapsed under its self-contradictions because those dastardly capitalists had managed to degrade the environment and keep capitalism alive until the environment struck back and the whole thing came apart. However, Gore argues that global warming is such a serious threat that we no longer can ignore the consequences, which is why we need his 10-year plan, which is not based on good economics, but rather on the fallacies exposed in Frédéric Bastiat’s "Broken Window Fallacy." (Gore speaks of the "millions of new jobs" to be created with this scheme, but fails to mention the tens of millions of jobs and opportunities that will be lost if his ideas are put into law.)

It always is interesting to me that people who believe the state can engage in successful widespread economic planning always call for plans of five-years (Stalin), 10-years (Gore), or set dates as to when we will have "X" number of gallons of government ethanol made available for use (Congress). In this latest bravado of nonsense, Gore claims that his "plans" can "solve" three "crises" at the same time, which, if possible, would place him in a lofty category. Yes, a 10-year "plan" that will do away with a recession, stabilize the climate, and invigorate the economy by giving it five million "green" jobs, along with plentiful and clean electricity, if only we believe.

Well, Paul Krugman has written many times that the failures of the Bush administration came in large part because Republicans just don’t "believe in government"; that certainly does not seem to be the case with Gore, who (unlike Krugman) actually wishes to engage "private markets" to do his bidding, but under his rules, of course. This is something that not long ago was called fascism, but today Gore calls it "sustainable capitalism," which I suppose is progress.

His first claim is that we must completely do away with all coal-fired electrical generation, not to mention nuclear power and plants that burn natural gas and oil. Given that coal provides almost 50 percent of the fuel that powers domestic electric power, and when one adds nuclear, natural gas, oil, and hydroelectric (which also would be on the Gore hit list), Gore is advocating nothing less than U.S. energy suicide. Gore may blame the burning of fuels for what he claims is man-made global warming, but when it comes to the release of energy, there is nothing better than the stuff found in the ground.

We not only have Gore’s public statements on burning of coal, but also his website, "We can solve the climate crisis," which proclaims:

We can help break our addiction to fossil fuels like coal and oil by switching to renewable energy. In fact, with upgrades to our electricity grid, the United States could meet all of its power needs, with renewable energy and support a significant portion of our transportation needs, too.

Right now, these "renewable" sources account for 3.1 percent of the entire production of electricity in this country. Gore and his allies claim that this is due to an industry conspiracy and short-sightedness, but in reality, it is due to the simple economic law of opportunity cost.

Not only are coal, oil, and other fuels readily found in our country, but they also release huge amounts of energy when burned. For example, politicians are fond of telling us that corn-based ethanol is a "solution" for oil replacement, but in reality, ethanol is inferior in every way to oil. It is a product that none of us would buy on the free market for fuel, so the government forces us to pay for it both in subsidies and by requiring that it be mixed with gasoline. In short, the use of ethanol requires us to use more resources than what it produces as a fuel, which is why it fails on a free market and only can be imposed through coercion.

The same goes for other sources of electrical generation. We hear much ado about "wind power," but there is more rhetoric than real promise. Almost all so-called wind farms fail to produce the electrical output that is promised, and the only reason they exist at all in this country is because of federal subsidies. If agricultural and sports stadium subsidies do not make sense, then the same lessons apply to "alternative" power, too.

Furthermore, many wind farms have to be located in remote locations that often are well away from population centers where most of the generated electricity would be needed, which means that at least some of the generated electricity would be lost in transit, and the relatively small output of wind farms exacerbates that problem.

Then there is the little problem of producing these many windmills and towers. Environmentalists seem to believe that they just appear on ridges and hilltops and in the windy corridors. Resources such as "demon petroleum" must be used to create the polymers that help to compose these products, and then there is the problem of attempting to produce a lot of electricity with a bunch of tiny generators, as opposed to the huge generators which operate at conventional power plants.

Let me give an analogy. Assume that one wishes to build a textile facility that will have the yearly output of 100,000 small hand looms. One can build a factory in which one has modern machinery and hires, perhaps, 1,000 individuals. Or, one can build huge rooms and employ 100,000 people, each working at a separate hand loom making cloth.

The former makes sense, while the latter is laughable. However, Gore is telling us that he can create a modern, "21st Century" grid using technology akin to the hand loom. When one throws in the solar concepts, we see once again that while solar electrical generation might be possible on a small scale, it cannot power anything large. When one adds the fact that he also is demanding that all of us be forced to purchase all-electric cars within a decade, we have to ask ourselves how we can add to the power burdens when simultaneously our government would be making the most cost-effective and efficient electrical generation illegal.

Gore, of course, holds one "trump card," the thing that gave him his Nobel Prize in the first place: the fear of human-created global warming. It has been Gore who has called for violence against companies that compete against Gore’s own funded companies for electricity generation, something that would land anyone else in jail. It is Gore who has called for the silencing of anyone who is publicly critical of his global warming theories, and who wants to criminalize that criticism. (Indeed, prominent scientists who do not believe Gore is correct have been silenced, although none have been jailed – yet.)

For all of the "yes we can" talk we have heard from politicians like president-elect Barack Obama, when one looks at the laws of science and economics, "No, we can’t" is the appropriate answer when someone is demanding that the political classes perform scientific and economic miracles. Neither Obama nor Gore can violate natural law. Obama, as he has announced he will do on his first day in office, can declare carbon dioxide to be a "dangerous pollutant," but his words do not change the fact that C02 is plant food and the attempt to eliminate it is fraught with danger and outright tyranny. They can impose coercion just as Mao attempted to force his ill-fated "Great Leap Forward" on the hapless Chinese people, but they cannot make the thing work.

Gore and Obama, while giving us the picture of being True Believers, know that. However, by creating both a climate of fear and then coming up with "solutions," as bad and unworkable as they are, they can be portrayed as saviors. Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal was destructive, but it cemented his political power and the recent election of Obama is proof that even today, a Democrat can win high office carrying the mantle of FDR.

In calling for the private markets to be the mechanism for carrying out his grand vision, Gore is advocating that markets which work without coercion and violence become the tool for the government to carry out its program of coercion and (at least implied) violence. That is fascism on a grand scale. Gore may call it "sustainable capitalism," but methinks it is capitalism wearing jack boots and giving stiff-arm salutes, something that never can be compatible with the free market and only can be "sustained" through state violence.

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