The Militant Libertarian

I'm pissed off and I'm a libertarian. What else you wanna know?

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Understanding the Terrorist Mind

I got to thinking today pretty hard about some things. My family suffered a big disappointment which basically changed our entire perspective on things around us and the goals we have together.

This disappointment was thanks to none other than our wonderful government.

I won't go into details, but suffice it to say that this is not the first time "our" government has anal probed us in our thirty-some years of history on this planet.

Tyranny is not always accomplished through a fanatical leader with an iron-fisted rule over everything in the nation. Tyranny can also be accomplished through bureaucracy, over-zealous prosecution/persecution, or even through mind control via religious or even scientific dogma.

In the United States of America, we have all of these forms of tyranny bearing down on our individual sovereignty from one direction or another.

I began to understand the hopelessness that is our situation. After all, we can't sue our government for redress, they just claim "sovereign immunity" or accuse us of being "crackpots" or, worst of all, they accuse us of being "federal criminals" and storm our "compound" and set it ablaze while their snipers to take us down.

So what do we do?

Well, this is where I begin to understand why terrorists do what they do. I don't condone blowing up a bunch of innocent people or shooting pedestrians from some clock tower to "make your point." That's just murder and has no reasoning behind it.

But I can see why some people do it. They feel they've been backed into a corner and the only way to get out of it is to strap on a backpack bomb and make some nasty shit happen.

I can also see the futility of it. I mean, think about it: you're in a corner and so you commit suicide and hope that your death also kills several other people too, so that you can "make a point?" Stupid.

I'm not saying to bow down and just "take it" from them either. I'm just saying that the conventional means of most terrorists are worthless. Striking fear in innocent people (or killing or maiming them) is not just stupid, it's amoral.

There has to be another way.

There are a lot of freedom/patriot books available nowadays that can paint different pictures of "fighting back" in one way or another. Some require bloodshed, some require the commission of felonies (under current law), some require the commission of crimes as acts of civil disobedience, and some require only that you "disappear" and no longer participate in many of society's norms.

Which path you choose in fighting back is up to you: you must decide how committed you are and how much you're willing to risk.

Regardless, if you risk nothing, you gain nothing....

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Good Reads

Time for some more good reading!

USAPA & Homeland inSecurity
Homeland Security still seeking to define, measure performance,2933,113216,00.html
Padilla Sees Lawyers for First Time in Almost Two Years

Gun Control
The Doomsday Weapon,2933,113094,00.html
Do Gun Control Activists Pad Gun Death Statistics?
Attacks spark sword ban

Loosen grip of politics on Americans
Decency Requires a Minimum-Wage Law? It Just Ain't So!
Probe finds ex-clerks on Hatch panel hacked files (i.e., they found their
Snafus Aplenty in E-Voting

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Recent Email Regarding Guns

I got an email from someone who said:

"I'm fine with people having guns to protect rights and and to defend against fascist governments. I'd be the first to grab a gun if the government is too tyrannical. However, I am strongly against the widespread possession of pistols however as they are generally misused and not stored properly. Too many innocents die for my taste.

The fact is that most other First-World democracies do not have the handgun death rates we do. If people here are allowed to carry handguns there must be a solution to the problems associated with their use. I simply want a solution to the 30,000 deaths a year from handguns. So rather than rhetoric, provide a solution."

So I said:

If you are against pistols being owned, you must also be against these other things that cause millions of accidental deaths (in total) and both of which cause more accidental deaths to adults AND children than handguns:

-Doctors, who are responsible for more than 300,000 deaths a year due to "accidents" or misdiagnosis.

-Automobiles, which kill over a million people annually in traffic accidents.

Those are just for starters. There are more like this.

You should also note that:
-Guns, almost always handguns, are used defensively over 2.5 million times per year.

-Handguns have been a regular issue weapon to the US Military since its founding. Therefore they are military use weapons and, no matter your belief in the Second Amendment (ownership of military-only or any firearm), protected by it.

-In 1997, only 142 children under 15 years of age died in gun accidents, and the total number of gun-related deaths for this age group was 642. Note: More children die each year in accidents involving bikes, space heaters or drownings.

-The often repeated claim that 12 children per day die from gun violence includes "children" up to 20 years of age, the great majority of whom are young adult males who die in gang-related violence. Death by firearm among "children" (0-20 years) is falling and has been for years!

I'd suggest reading the following "gun nut diatribe" which defunks most of the crap you've probably been fed with by your socialist friends about guns. Note, especially, that the U.S. Government estimates gun ownership at 228,000,000 guns in 60-85 million households. Guns are used in 450,000 crimes per year, accounting for .09% of guns being used in crime...

Also note that the two nations with MORE guns per capita and LOOSER gun laws than ours, in Europe, are Switzerland and Israel...both of which have lower suicide rates, lower gun violence rates, and lower overall crime rates...

Also interesting: paroled prisoners account for over 600 violent crimes PER DAY.

Guns aren't the problem, government is.

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Slackin' Off

OK, I've been slackin' off a little. I've been keeping the blog updated, new, and exciting, of course (66+ visitors a day and growing - last count was 44!). However, one of my other important, not-for-profit endeavors (in some cases, "not for profit" means that the charity spends the money it receives to pay for its operations and good my case, it means my wallet opens and a loud sucking sound is heard...even when the wife is sleeping!), namely, hasn't had an update in over two weeks. Plus I haven't sent out an email alert is nearly that long. That's pretty delinquent...

On the other hand, you schnubbs have been slackin' too! I put up all this cool shiooot for you to peruse, I "market" this website to keep it growing, I post all these bitchin' song lyrics to pump up your anti-government adrenaline and what do you do? You buy two lousy books for a total payoff to me of $0.20... That's right! Twenty lousy cents! What am I, Daddy Warbucks?? Cough it up, you jackasses!

Here's something for you to sink your teeth into (that means BUY, ya mook)... I just got Weird Al Yankovic's new album "Poodle Hat" yesterday. Everybody loves Weird Al! You know it!

This one's got some cool stuff on it (as per usual). My favorite so far is either "Couch Potato" (parody of an Eminem song), "Wanna B UR Lovr" (a song of pickup lines), and "Ode to a Superhero" (parody of a Billy Joel song). The big song from this album on MTV and whatever is "Ebay," by the way. I promise to have some lyrics very soon, of course! Obviously, I bought this on, like you should (link to left). :) That link also has song samples you can play... CLICK! NOW! CLICK!

Also, a few other things have happened to the site lately. I updated the "links" page to include a new link to "" - a site with some cool stuff on it. Also, I've updated the link to "Molon Labe," which is a newly released Boston T. Party book. I haven't read it (yet), but will have a review as soon as I do!

Oh, and I got the latest catalog from Loompanics Unlimited, so you'll probably be seeing some more reviews of unusual books from there soon too.

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Million Dollar Forgery

"COVINGTON, Georgia (AP) -- A Georgia woman who tried to use a fake $1 million bill to buy $1,675 worth of merchandise at Wal-Mart was arrested, and police later found two more of the bills in her purse."

If you read the rest of the story, this woman is probably not the brightest crayon in the box, if you know what I'm sayin'.

Every so often I try to "pass" a million dollar bill (I have a collection of novelty millions) at 7-11 or the Post Office as a joke. I can usually hold a straight face long enough for them to look at me funny after eyeballing the bill. I even had one girl at the grocery store say to me, dead-pan, "I can't break this, sir."

I grinned and we both kind of cracked.

Anyway, apparently this could be considered a crime. So maybe I won't do it anymore.

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Fed-up Republicans join Libertarians

Fed-up Republicans join Libertarians

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) is slated to speak at a South Carolina Libertarian Party function on April 2, and the event is drawing support from unexpected quarters. "It is our hope that members of the Republican Party will stand beside Libertarians and realize that we stand -- in principle and action --for that their party proclaims but no longer acts on," said event coordinator Cheryl Bates.

But the South Carolina LP isn't just hoping. It is taking action and seeing results. South Carolina Libertarians are tracking an increase in voter dissatisfaction, which is leading to an exodus from the Democrat and Republican parties. They have seen a marked increase in the number of larger party members who are showing an interest in libertarianism, Bates said.

"Republicans have broken their Contract with America and have consistently failed to vote according to the Republican Platform," says Chris Panos, who recently defected from the Republican Party to the LP. Panos began his political career long ago, when he worked for Barry Goldwater, and he has since managed many Republican political campaigns. He also served as a Midwest Director for Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign. Now, he said, he can no longer "trust the GOP leadership to serve my Republican principles."

Sentiments like Panos's are what led the SCLP to invite Paul to speak.

"Voters are voicing their concerns that neither of the major political parties is presenting people with candidates who will obey the will of the electorate," said LP activist R.E. Sutherland.

And it's not only Republicans who are shifting sides. One of the more vocal members who has come into the LP is Steve Cain, who -- after running for office in several high-profile races as a Democrat -- joined the LP about a year ago, Sutherland said. Asked why he made the flip, Cain said: "I did not leave the Democratic Party. They left me." Since then, he ran for the state Senate as a Libertarian and shows promise of becoming a distinguished LP office holder when he runs again, Bates said.

Paul is known as the LP's favorite Republican because of his refusal to approve any bill that isn't specifically approved by the U.S. Constitution. Bates noted: "We're inviting GOP members to attend, to learn from this distinguished medical doctor." Among those who have purchased tickets to the Ron Paul dinner: GOP State Senate hopeful Ron Wilson, who purchased 8 tickets to the dinner and 6 tickets to a reception to honor Paul.

The dinner, to which representatives and voters from all political parties are invited, will center around Paul's speech regarding the USA-Patriot Act. The SCLP hopes the event will recruit more Republicans. Will Paul help? Could be, and that's what South Carolina Libertarians are counting on.

"Dr. Paul is the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies based on commodity-backed currency," Bates said. "He has proven again and again that consistently upholding the U.S. Constitution is actually good politics."

For more information on the event, call (803) 657-3442, visit or email events@s...

Got comments? Email me, dammit!


Here's some more cartoons to brighten up your :)

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

You Might Be a Fascist

You Might Be a Fascist
by Russell Madden

Fascism: a political-economic system in which citizens retain title to their property but in which the government determines how that property may or may not be used.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... believe that the proper way to decide whether a casino should be built in your hometown is to vote on the idea.

... object to individuals gambling in their homes ... unless they're playing the state-run lotto.

... think that your neighbor needs the blessing of the historical commission in order to renovate his aging home.

... feel the urge to report the guy down the street who has a painting truck parked in his drive but no orange building permit stuck to a front window.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... experienced a sense of glee when Microsoft had to spend millions in legal fees and was convicted of monopolistic policies.

... see nothing wrong with your city government awarding a single cable franchise while those guys who sell dishes must charge extra to customers who wish to receive local broadcast channels.

... are grateful that the FCC dictates to cable and phone providers how they can do business because you are afraid that otherwise the big media companies would have too much power.

... would rather have the government pass a law and set up another bureaucracy to restrict telemarketers than spend fifty bucks of your own money to purchase a screening device.

... do not object when others are forced to pay more for their goods so you can earn a higher income while your trade restrictions put other citizens out of work.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... nod in agreement that individuals must show proof of identity in order to open a bank account because otherwise the terrorists will win.

... don't object to money laundering laws that make snitches of your banks so the drug dealers and the terrorists won't win.

... never complain about airport security checks and bag screening and weapon confiscation in order to keep the terrorists from winning.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... tremble at the thought that the person sitting next to you in the restaurant might be carrying a gun without a license.

... want to eliminate and confiscate all guns in private hands in order to be safe since guns cause violence, unless the cops are the ones carrying the guns.

... applaud extra taxes on guns and ammunition, prohibition of sales between private parties, licenses for gun dealers, limits on the number of firearms someone can own or buy, and bans on brass knuckles, nunchucks, pen knives, big knives, pepper spray, stun guns, sword canes, or anything else that can be used to defend against a criminal.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... laughed when an aging hippie comedian who sold drug paraphernalia via the Internet was thrown in jail but thought a well-known talk show host addicted to painkillers should receive rehab.

... accept the widespread drugging of young boys but recoil in horror from the thought of adults receiving pleasure or relief from illicit drugs.

... champion zero tolerance for kids who bring toy soldiers to school but think the heroes at Ruby Ridge and Waco got what they deserved when they were promoted for killing women and children.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... think that taxes are the price we pay for civilization.

... smile when the rich have to pay an even greater proportion of taxes than they do now.

... kid yourself that Social Security and Medicare taxes are investments or premia rather than a way to pay for more welfare for old people.

... maintain that you have a right to health care, housing, retirement income, food stamps, or government-guaranteed student loans.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... squint your eyes at the idea of parents educating their children at home.

... want child-free people to pay for your offspring's schooling because everyone benefits.

... question the ability of parents to decide what their kids should study, whether those youngsters should go to school at all, or how they should learn to make their own ways in the world.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... seek assistance from the government to protect you from your own mistakes.

... ask the government to protect other people from what you believe are their own mistakes.

... abhor the thought of foreigners flooding your country and taking jobs you don't want at wages you would refuse to accept.

... contend that you have a right to a job but an employer does not have the right to fire you because he doesn't like the fact that you're a woman, a racial minority, fat, or handicapped.

... think SUVs should be banned, seat belts and airbags required, gas mileage minimums enforced, gasoline formulations determined by the feds, and that more money should be spent on light rail systems that no one uses.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... see all lawyers as heroes.

... hope to win the lawsuit lottery.

... refuse to accept that legal questions can be properly answered by anyone other than a state-accredited lawyer.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... like the notion of mandated low-flow toilets and shower heads but see no problem with subsidized water so farmers or residents can work and live in deserts.

... rejoice that grease monkeys can no longer put Freon in your air conditioner.

... sneer at anything smacking of price gouging during disasters such as floods or hurricanes and would rather have shortages of goods than see someone make more than what you believe is a fair price.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... promote the idea of the government owning even more wilderness land.

... are appalled that oil companies might drill offshore for natural gas.

... wonder what all the fuss is when homeowners are forced to abandon their houses in the woods when the government destroys the access roads.

You might be a fascist if you ...

... support sending our troops to a foreign country that poses no imminent threat to us in order to liberate the natives and engage in nation-building.

... declare that foreign aid helps the average citizens of those countries that receive it.

... want others to pay for your humanitarian impulses.

You might be a fascist if you . . .

... would rather police focus their efforts on arresting ticket scalpers and prostitutes than on tracking down, convicting, and incarcerating violent criminals.

... want to impose your moral code on strangers.

... itch to make other people act as you believe they should act.

... do not accept that we still have involuntary servitude in this nation.

You might be a fascist if you . . .

... operate from the premise that morality is relative.

... condemn logic, reason, and objectivity as tools of white male oppression.

... equate non-coercive choice and actions of which you disapprove with fascism.

You might be a fascist if you . . .

... object to the examples in this essay.

... think you are free.

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Monday, March 08, 2004


Special thanks to my friend Warren for this forward (which I've lightly edited for...uhh...clarity...yeah, that's it):

It started out innocently enough.

I began to think at parties now and then to loosen up. Inevitably though, one thought led to another, and soon I was more than just a social thinker. I began to think alone -- "to relax," I told myself -- but I knew it wasn't true. Thinking became more and more important to me, and finally I was thinking all the time.

I began to think on the job. I knew that thinking and employment don't mix, but I couldn't stop myself. I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Thoreau and Kafka.

I would return to the office dizzied and confused, asking, "What is it exactly we are doing here?"

Things weren't going so great at home either. One evening I had turned off the TV and asked my husband about the meaning of life. He spent that night at his mother's.

I soon had a reputation as a heavy thinker. One day the boss called me in. He said, "Skippy, I like you, and it hurts me to say this, but your thinking has become a real problem. If you don't stop thinking on the job, you'll have to find another job."

This gave me a lot to think about.

I came home early after my conversation with the boss. "Honey," I confessed, "I've been thinking..." "I know you've been thinking," He said, "and I want a divorce!"

"But Honey, surely it's not that serious."

"It is serious," He said, lower lip aquiver. "You think as much as college professors, and college professors don't make any money, so if you keep on thinking we won't have any money!"

"That's a faulty syllogism," I said impatiently, and he began to cry.

I'd had enough. "I'm going to the library," I snarled as I stomped out the door.

I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche, with NPR on the radio. I roared into the parking lot and ran up to the big glass doors ... they didn't open. The library was closed. To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that night.

As I sank to the ground clawing at the unfeeling glass, whimpering for Zarathustra, a poster caught my eye. "Friend, is heavy thinking ruining your life?" it asked.

You probably recognize that line. It comes from the standard Thinker's Anonymous poster. Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker.

I never miss a TA meeting.

At each meeting we watch a non-educational video; last week it was "Porky's." Then we share experiences about how we avoided thinking since the last meeting. I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home.

Life just seemed ... easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking. Soon, I will be able to vote Republican...or even Democrat!

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Governor Walker Wants To Stay

Well, here we go. After Leave-it-to-Leavitt (finally) left Utah last year, the then Lt. Gov. Olene Walker stepped in to take over as Governor of Utah. She's the first woman to be governor here, of course, and, like the man she's replacing (he's now head of the EPA in Washington, D.C.), she's a RINO...Republican In Name Only.

The Controversy
Anywho, there was some controversy about whether or not Gov. Walker could indeed BE "Governor" Walker. Many contended that the Utah State Constitution says only that she takes on the responsibilities, NOT the title. I believed this myself until I reviewed the state constitution to find out.

The relevant bit is in Article 7, Section 11, which reads (in part): "In case of the death of the Governor, impeachment, removal from office, resignation, or disability to discharge the duties of the office, or in case of a Governor-elect who fails to take office, the powers and duties of the Governor shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor until the disability ceases or until the next general election..."

The key word here is "devolve," which Webster defines as "to pass (on) to another: said of duties, responsibilities, etc." So I guess she is actually Governor Walker.

The Announcement
Regardless, the real point is that she announced on Saturday that she plans to run for Republican nomination (their convention is in May) to try for another term as governor.

Here's my thoughts on this:

She might win the nomination, but I actually doubt it. Why? Well, sure, she's the incumbant, she's pretty popular here in Utah, and she's obviously got the recognition factor on her side. BUT, she's old (73 years), female (this state is pretty cheuvanist), and is easily the worst public speaker I have ever heard...

I have met Governor Walker more than once. Though the meetings were brief and mostly revolved around the issue of electronic voting, I did get a good impression of her as a politician. She's very intelligent, though less than articulate, and very personable. Despite her age, she has a good bearing and doesn't look physically ill. She has what here in Mormon-land I would call "Relief Society Strength," and what anywhere else would be called "feminine poise." :)

I was also surprised to hear from our "First Lad" Myron Walker (Olene's husband), who said on the news something like "To heck with retirement!" I've never seen him before, I don't think. That was kind of surprising.

My Prediction prediction is that she'll lose the Republican nomination in a very close race with John Huntsman, Jr. He seems to be the chosen silver-spooner they want for their contender this year. After losing the GOP nomination, Walker will then run as an independent (unaffiliated) instead.

If she DOES happen to get the GOP nomination, then I guess she'll run that way, but again, I don't think she will get the nomination. I think the powers that be have let her know this and that's why she waited so long to announce. This way she'll have less impact on the GOP nomination race.

Richard Mack For GovernorWhy I Give a Shit
I only care about all of this because a good friend of mine and a man who has more integrity than anyone else I know, Richard Mack, is running for governor under the Libertarian Party's banner with endorsements from the Constitution Party of Utah and the Independent American Party of Utah.

I want Mack to win, even if I end up not living in Utah anymore. His win will mean all kinds of better things will happen.

Does he have a chance?
Sure he does! Not only is he endorsed by three of the third parties (all of which are considered "conservative" here), he's also got a famous name, a lot of personal appeal, and of the others who he'll be running against (namely Huntsman, Jr. and Matheson), he's the only non-silver-spooner and the only extremely pro-gun person on the ticket.

Having Walker on the ticket will change things, surely, but I don't think it will change them by a lot. If Mack sticks to his plan and hits it the way he's aiming to hit it, he'll still pull it off. At the very least, he'll pull enough votes to make the other partyies notice and get nervous. I think he'll win.

Let me put it this way: if Mack wins the race and becomes Governor Richard Mack, then things in Utah will start changing for the better and we may be able to stave off what I think will happen otherwise...which is civil war. I'd much rather win by ballot than by bullet, despite my chosen name for this blog. :)

So there you have it. My expert political analysis of the situation thus far in the race for Governor of Utah. Feel free to quote me.

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

More on everyone's favorite gestapo...

I'm concerned whether or not the IRS is legal, but believe it to be a mute point now. People are so indoctrinated with anteing up or having the jackboots take it all, that fighting it is futile in this regard. We won't be able to beat the IRS in a "legal" court of law (see previous post on courts).

Our only hope of defeating them is via mass civil disobedience. The We The People Congress is attempting this, but I believe they have marginalized themselves to the extent that they will never accomplish their goal. I won't even start in on their local representatives...

I don't know about the rest of you, but I pay my every year out of fear of losing everything I have and what freedoms I have left. Here's my choice: pay up and probably be relatively safe (unless an audit is performed) or don't pay and just wait for the jackboots.

Here's the scenario if the jackboots come: they surround the house, kick in the door, and shoot my dog. There's #1, dog is dead (he's like my child, you know). They then arrest both myself and my wife, subject us to hours of interrogation, and then put us in a jail cell. Eventually we're "tried" and go to prison. There's #2, my wife is imprisoned. And #3, I'm imprisoned. Now we'll both have to walk through the rest of our lives with a felony conviction on our records. Great.

I don't know about any of you, but I've been to jail and I ain't going back. Jail is one of the few places in this country where you can learn the true meaning of fear. They don't send you to the country club for tax evasion.

So there you have it: pay TheIRS their extortion money, or lose everything you have. Nice "freedom" we have, eh?

Hey, I hear they're installing secret police in Iraq. i bet they'll get their own, brand spankin' new IRS too!

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Your Tax "Refund"

In a forum I frequent, the following was recently had as conversation between myself and another forum member:

> Hell...don't pay your taxes if you think the IRS doesn't exist.
> I will happily cash my refund ($2,618.00) from the nonexistant
> IRS.

Note: this is not a "refund," per se. It is actually an overpayment on your part throughout the year. An overpayment which, by the way, garners no interest and for which they are under no penalty should they fail to return it to you. Try and sue THEM for your refund if it doesn't show up...

Further, here is how "treasury agents" get their power: they confiscate your bank accounts and records, not by legally going through criminal court (they use "tax courts" and get subpoenas by judges paid by the IRS), but by threatening to "come down" on the bank if they do not comply.

Treasury agents do not surround your house, arrest you, and forcibly take your property. They have the local cops do it, using the same means as above. They wait safely out of range until it's complete.

Due process of law does NOT apply in tax court. In fact, you have very little recourse in tax court and all arguments against the validity of the court, the IRS, etc. will be ignored and "thrown out" by the judge of said court.

There are currently three basic types of courts in this country and I've been in all three (on one or both sides of the room):

Civil Court - this is where you sue someone, they sue you, or you contest a parking violation. Of the three, this one is the easiest for the defendent to beat, not because of the court's process, but because of the high chance the plaintiff will screw up or not show up at all.

Criminal Court - this is the court in which you will retain most of your rights, as outlined in the Bill of Rights. You can have a jury trial, possibly a fair judge, and a much better chance of defending yourself (assuming you can afford a lawyer). This type of court is becoming more and more of a railroad, however, as rights are ignored because the defendent is ignorant of the process.

Tax Court - this is the court in which you are guilty until you prove otherwise, all monies spent on your behalf are not reimburseable should you "win," and in which the judge is paid by the same entity which pays the prosecution who's bringing you to "trial." If you get called into tax court, you're probably better off just paying whatever the fine/penalty/whatnot is and getting it over with. They'll only raise it once they've "proven" your guilt.

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Cartoons for the Day

This one is a Flash presentation. Click the link to watch it:
The Administration Awards

Got comments? Email me, dammit!

Common Sense: Making Others Pay


"Making Others Pay"

Have you ever had a friend who made awful choices about money? Even when earning a decent salary, he'd spend and spend, using credit cards and stalling bill collectors to delay the day of reckoning. On some days, he probably wished he could force someone else to pay those impossibly large bills.

He probably wished he were president of the United States.

Yes, our own President Bush is pretty bad with money. Even though last year's federal revenues were almost $1.8 trillion, Bush approved spending all of that plus $375 billion more.

Our deficits are getting bigger and setting records. We're adding almost $2 billion of debt per day. The national debt clock informs me that my family's share is over $110,000. But don't laugh at my family's misfortune; remember, your kids will pay, too.

For some, this is a nasty surprise. Candidate Bush campaigned for a lean government that lived within its means. President Bush has yet to veto a single spending bill -- not even the one that included $50 million for an indoor rain forest in Iowa and half a million dollars for the Montana Sheep Institute.

With the exploding deficits of the last three years, will the same people who voted for Bush in 2000 be willing to trek out to the polls for him again this year?

Maybe history has the answer. Remember "read my lips, no new taxes?" George W. Bush should ask his father about what happens to presidents who don't practice what they preach.

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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