The Militant Libertarian

I'm pissed off and I'm a libertarian. What else you wanna know?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Police Riot in Portland Exposed

This might be one of the best documentaries on police abuses and the rise of the police state in America I've seen. The footage is from the cops' own cameras! Great film-making by those who put this together.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Hillarycare and McCain for Prez

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bush Arrested

Alternative Title: Why You Should Kick Cops In the Nuts

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Your Publik Skool Kids REQUIRED To Take Military IQ Test

Got this via email from a friend:

Got talking to a high school Jr. yesterday, and was astounded to learn that they were being forced to take the ASVAB. I hadn't even heard about it before. He said they originally told him it was being "offered" by the military, but later they told him that the test was mandatory for graduation.

This is sick is so many ways, I can't even begin.

One more reason to homeschool!,1249,635206331,00.html

Ain't publik edukashun great?

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Questions About Libertarian Thought

I received a question about what libertarian government would mean in regards to immigration and so forth (referring to the unhappy Mexican officials in the article below). Here was my response:

Under a truly libertarian government, we would have open borders and allow anyone to come and go from our country as they see fit. This proposition bothers a lot of people. The reason being that they can't fathom the idea that while populations are free to move across borders, these people are also not able to take advantage of government-mandated social services because Americans in this day and age cannot fathom the idea of having no "Social Security" of any type (including Medicare, Medicaid, "free" public schools, and so forth).

Under a truly libertarian government, none of these would exist as government-owned/run/mandated/controlled entities. Sure, private setups and even state-owned/operated setups are perfectly legal under the Constitution.

Think of this simple idea: if you had a choice between moving to a country where you could work freely without having to send in documents to various government bureaucracies to prove your "worthiness" to work or if you could go somewhere where no one asked you anything but who to make the check out to...where would you go? Now, let's say that if you could go to a place where you would receive free medical care, free education, and other free social benefits, all paid by someone else who complied with the local rules while you don't have to do anything but lie... what would you do?

Yep, you'd go get the freebies too.

Of course, many argue that our so-called "free" pubic education (which I refer to as "publik edukashun") is a foundation of our nation. That's horse pucky. Before there was ever any publik edukashun, this nation had a 95% literacy rate. Now we're under 80% and falling. Literacy, mind you, is not being able to read and write, but being able to read, write, and COMPREHEND what is being read and written. It implies a modicum of core learning and understanding in various subjects. A larger and larger percentage of high school "graduates" nowadays can't even do the simple math required to balance a checkbook properly, let alone make decisions based on real information about things like candidates, issues, or even basic life choices.

The basic libertarian ideal is this: no force or fraud. This means that if I don't force you to do something (via physical force, coercion, or another form of pressure) and I don't commit fraud (lying, cheating, etc.), then our agreement is obviously consentual and it's none of the government's business what our business is.

Of course, it's hard to "save the children," and "keep our children safe" or whatever the current communist or religious mantra of the day is if you can't control everyone around you.

The term "freedom isn't free" doesn't refer to taxes or big military incursions overseas. It refers to the idea that you have to put up with other people's freedom in order to enjoy your own. This might require you to shelter your kids yourself (instead of begging the government to do so) and maybe listen to some ideas you don't agree with. The price is too steep to pay for those who would prefer to attempt to legislate morality. Judeo-, Atheo-, Islamo-, and Christian-fascists aren't much different in this regard. Religion is religion, whatever the god may be...

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