The Militant Libertarian

I'm pissed off and I'm a libertarian. What else you wanna know?

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Gun Grabs in New Orleans - a Look at Our Future

Given that Louisiana is the largest incarcerater of people (per capita, 1 in 55), that isn't surprising.
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Dr. Rand Paul (son of Ron Paul) Speaks on Markets and Money

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Why Won't The Bail Out Work? MUST SEE!

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Friday, March 06, 2009

Health of the State

by James Bovard

The computerization of personal healthcare records is one of the showpieces of the new stimulus bill. President Obama promised, “We will make the immediate investments necessary to ensure that within five years all of America’s medical records are computerized.” Congress ponied up $19 billion to subsidize the digitization of patient files and creation of electronic healthcare tracking systems. The ultimate goal is “the utilization of a certified electronic health record for each person in the United States by 2014.”

Shoved into a 1,400-page bill passed in a panic, the plan went largely undebated. But the implications are horrifying. Doctors will be coerced into a massive federal healthcare scheme, and government will serve as the leaky repository of patients’ most intimate information. Much as the Patriot Act pried, this measure intrudes on a far more personal level. No patient left behind – or alone.

The president promises that computerizing doctors’ records will “cut red tape, prevent medical mistakes, and help save billions each year.” But in fact, the federal mandate is likely to destroy the progress being made with voluntary efforts to computerize records in a way that assures confidentiality and individual control of health data.

At this point, fewer than 20 percent of the nation’s physicians have gone full-speed on computerization. Obama’s plan offers between $44,000 and $64,000 to doctors who computerize patient records and up to $11 million per hospital. “On the stick side of the equation,” the Wall Street Journal reported, “the measure includes Medicare payment penalties for physicians and hospitals that are not using electronic health records by 2014.” If records are digitized on the federal dime, it will be far easier for politicians to claim the resulting information.

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Forget right and left -- it's the control freaks against the rest of us

Pundits and politicians are playing the usual games with labels. President Barack Obama and his supporters are adherents of the "far left"; economists opposing the stimulus bill are partisans of the "extreme right." It's Team Blue vs. Team Red, with everybody expected to swallow the Kool-Aid proffered by one side or another. And it's all so pointless. The real division isn't between right and left; it's between the control freaks and the rest of us.

It's not that there aren't real ideological differences along the political spectrum -- there are. But left, right, up or down, there are activists who focus on ways of expanding freedom, and there are activists who focus on ways of extending government control over people's lives. They may put the emphasis on different issues and strongly disagree on specific policies, but ultimately, righties and lefties who emphasize freedom have more in common with one another t han they do with supposed comrades who are obsessed with control.

Read the rest at this link.

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The Most Important Video on the Internet

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Our Monetary Base (Inflation) on a Chart

The good folks at have compiled a chart showing the nation's money supply (monetary base) and how it's changed since 1917. Look at the huge spike in recent history!

This is why we're in a "crisis" now, people. IT'S THE FED, not the bankers and Wall Street! WAKE UP!

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My Tribute to Samuel Adams

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Pay freeze looms for millions

MILLIONS of private-sector workers face a pay freeze or cuts because of the economic crisis, while employees in the public sector are enjoying pay rises.

With the economy plunging deeper into recession, and inflation likely to drop below 0% into deflation, the CBI has warned that the “overwhelming majority” of its members will freeze wages this year.

Tens of thousands of other private-sector workers are also likely to see their earnings slashed. Several professional firms have reduced salaries by 20% by putting employees on a four-day week.

Read the rest here.

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Another Bright Shining Lie

by Michael Gaddy

The state has many weapons in its arsenal to keep Boobus ignorant of their illegal, unconstitutional activities and in compliance with its confiscatory tax and slavery system. In all likelihood, the two most often used of these weapons are fear and prevarication.

Our new US Attorney General/Race Agitator, Eric Holder, last week used a bright shining lie in his advocating the introduction of a new Assault Weapons Ban. (AWB) He stated:

"Putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border. I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum."

What a crock; believing the fantastically wealthy drug cartels actually secure their weapons from America is analogous to taking a hamburger to a steak dinner. The drug cartels use their millions, if not billions, to purchase some of the finest weaponry that can be had, far exceeding the firepower of their state-armed opponents in both Mexico and the US.

One of my sources in federal law enforcement in the El Paso area stated it was common for his forces to be totally outgunned by members of the cartels. To believe these weapons came from weapons that are currently legal in this country is preposterous and an obvious lie.

Mr. Holder has no fear of armed drug cartel members; his fear is a well-armed citizenry awakening to the tyranny now running rampant in our government!

The vehicle most likely to be used by these tyrants to inflict us with more of their unconstitutional crap would be a remake of HR 1022, legislation that was introduced back in 2007 and has already been through several required committees. This onerous piece of legislation would prohibit from private ownership such vile weapons as the Ruger 10/22 and Hi-Point carbine. I can assure you any drug runner worth his salt would be embarrassed and laughed out of the hood were he to appear with either of these weapons!

Of course also outlawed with this proposed legislation would be any high capacity (hi-cap) magazines for both rifle and pistol. I have yet to have any of these bureaucrats explain to me how the 11th round fired is much more dangerous than the first 10. I am also sure none of these idiots have witnessed Doug Koenig, Rob Leatham, or Todd Jarrett do rapid-fire pistol shooting with multiple magazine reloads.

A February 20, 2009 State Department memo stated, "...with cartels employing automatic weapons and grenades." Everyone with the exception of new presidents and attorney generals are aware neither automatic weapons nor grenades are legal in this country. But, this is what we must endure when we elect "anointed" people to high office.

Obviously lost on our new administration is the fact drug cartels with millions of dollars at their disposal have no trouble buying mayors, police officers, judges and even presidents; I’m sure obtaining weapons including grenades, fully automatic weapons, and rocket launchers present no problems.

To believe the illegal confiscation and outlawing of legally obtained weapons from those who believe in their God-given right to protect what is theirs, is ignorance in the extreme, or the simple desire to protect tyrannical government officials as they move to deprive citizens of their freedom. Any other reason stated by these criminals is a damnable lie.

Jefferson said, "No freeman shall be debarred the use of arms within his own lands" How did this country evolve from the wisdom of Jefferson to the ignorance, prevarication and tyrannical tendencies of Obama and Holder? We have only ourselves to blame. We were warned!

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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

We Can Do This Together

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DEA to halt medical marijuana raids

by Alex Johnson,

Supporters of programs to provide legal marijuana to patients with painful medical conditions are celebrating Attorney General Eric Holder’s statement this week that the Drug Enforcement Administration would end its raids on state-approved marijuana dispensaries.

Federal raids on medical marijuana distributors continued at least into the second week of Barack Obama’s presidency, when federal agents shut down at least two dispensaries in California on Feb. 3.

Holder was asked about those raids Wednesday in Santa Ana, Calif., at a news conference that was called to announce the arrests of 755 people in a nationwide crackdown on the U.S. operations of Mexican drug cartels. He said such operations would no longer be conducted.

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Is Libertarianism a Sign of Mental Illness?

by Daniel J. Mitchell

I don’t know whether this belongs in the comic-relief category or the future-threats category, but the Harvard Law School is having a conference to analyze the “free market mindset.” The basic premise of the conference seems to be that people who believe in limited government are psychologically troubled.

The conference schedule features presentations such as “How Thinking Like an Economist Undermines Community” and “Addicted to Incentives: How the Ideology of Self Interest Can Be Self-Fulfilling.” The most absurd presentation, though, may be the one entitled, “Colossal Failure: The Output Bias of Market Economies.” According to the description, the author argues that the market “delivers excessive levels of consumption.” Damn those entrepreneurs for creating so much wealth!

In the good old days of Soviet dictatorship, the regime classified dissidents as being mentally ill (after all, only a nutcase would fail to see the glories of communism).

Now that leftists at Harvard want to portray laissez-faire philosophy as being somewhat akin to a mental disorder, maybe the next step will be re-education camps for Cato staff? Maybe the next “stimulus” bill could include a few earmarks for such facilities? I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I get sent some place warm.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

What if...

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Awesome comparison between collectivism versus individualism. Check it out here:

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Why the Dark Secrets of the First Gulf War Are Still Haunting Us

By Nora Eisenberg, AlterNet

With rare exceptions, American politicians seem incapable of opposing an American war without befriending another in a different place or time.

Barack Obama, an early and ardent enemy of the Iraq War, quickly declared his affinity for a war in Afghanistan and/or Pakistan. And like so many Democratic leaders, he has commended Bush 41's Gulf War over Bush 43's, for its justifiable cause, clear goals, quick execution and admirable leadership.

It's difficult to determine the proportion of expedience to ignorance that allows politicians and pundits to advance the theory of the good and trouble-free Gulf War. What's clear, though, is that for close to 20 years, the 42-day war, in which we dropped more bombs than were dropped in all wars combined in the history of the world, maintains a special place in American hearts.

But as John R. MacArthur amply demonstrates in The Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War, the real 1991 war was kept from the American public. This week, as we commemorate the 18th anniversary of the Gulf War's end, and opportunities for new hostilities beckon, Americans, and our leaders, would do well to take a hard look at the war that we continue to love only because we never got to see it.

Despite our inability to detect it at the time, U.S. prosecution of the 1991 war with Iraq relied on all the now-familiar and discredited strategies used to promote the present war -- with equally disastrous and far-reaching results.

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Monday, March 02, 2009

The Obamas' Partisan Puppy

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The Crisis of Credit: Visualized

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Manchurian Lullaby

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Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Year is 1947

Some of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, a little over 60 years ago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and other federal agencies and organizations.

However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of April 1948, nine months after that historic day, the following people were born:

Albert A. Gore, Jr.

Hillary Rodham

John F. Kerry

William J. Clinton

Howard Dean

Nancy Pelosi

Dianne Feinstein

Charles E. Schumer

Barbara Boxer

See what happens when aliens breed with sheep?

I certainly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you.

It did for me.

No wonder they support the bill to help illegal aliens!

Now You Know.

Sent via email and too good not to post. :)

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Real Man of Genius: Joe Biden

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A Brief History of the American Dollar

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